Photography, Film & Literature

Photography, Film & Literature

Explore courses that will enhance your skills in photography, filmmaking, and literature, whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your craft.

In this category, you’ll find lessons on everything from mastering camera techniques and storytelling through film to writing compelling narratives and analyzing literary works.

Learn how to capture stunning images, create impactful films, and craft stories that resonate with audiences. Start your creative journey today and discover the art of visual and literary expression.

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You search for: All offers from the category «Photography, Film & Literature» located in Zürich


Wiemann & Wiemann Mediendesign

CHF 398

Fotoworkshop: Makroaufnahmen

Wiemann & Wiemann Mediendesign

CHF 125

Food-Fotokurs 5h

Wiemann & Wiemann Mediendesign

CHF 399

Fotografie Kurzkurs

SAE Institute Switzerland

CHF 4,750

Video Production Kurzkurs (5 Monate)

SAE Institute Switzerland

CHF 3,520

Filmemachen für Anfänger

Swiss Photo Club Sàrl

Sa., 17. – So., 18. Aug.

CHF 590

Einsteiger*innen und Fortgeschrittene, die gerne schreiben oder das kreative Schreiben kennenlernen möchten.


Stadt Zürich

CHF 130

Action Film Stunt!

Stadt Zürich

Mo., 12. – Fr., 16. Aug.

CHF 420

Wollen Sie die Tiere richtig in Szene setzen, wissen aber nicht wie?

Tierfotografie und Naturfotografie

Foto Werkstatt Kreativ

Sa., 28. Sept. – Sa., 19. Okt.

CHF 390

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